C-Level Roundtable

The C-Level Roundtable serves as a forum for executive level women in technology and new media to engage and re-energize themselves in peer-to-peer discussion. You won’t want to miss these dynamic sessions.

The relationship between the CEO, CFO, CIO, CTO is important in any organization and requires important attributes for on-the-job success. Here is your opportunity to meet and talk with your peers about what it takes to be a successful African American woman in that highly desired, executive tier.

This feature of DigitalSistas - Unplugged allows for CEOs, CIOs, CFOs, CTOs, as well as Executive Directors, Senior Vice Presidents and Vice Presidents to come together to engage in peer-to-peer dialogues about what it takes to become successful and to remain competitive in the fast-paced world of technology.

For more information on the C-Level Roundtables contact thebuzz@digitalsistasnetwork.com

Working With Us

DigitalSistas-Unplugged strives to ensure the growth and development of African American women in the DigitalSistas.net online community. C-Level Executives are invited to share their knowledge, expertise, experiences and the steps that they took to break through the glass ceiling.

C-Level Execs in areas such as cloud computing, software development, digital media & digital design, computer programming, engineering, e-learning and related technologies are encouragedto serve on DigitalSistas.net as content contributors. Contributions can be in the form of blogs, articles, podcasts, webinars, and teleconferences. Content contributions to Special Interest Groups (SIGs) is also be welcomed to assist us in examining trends and address issues facing African American women in new media and technology. Interaction will be stimulated through the coordination of discussion groups, submission of articles, interviews and development of specific activities to accomplish their respective objectives on and offline.

National and local programming will be developed in response to identified needs and concerns as determined by the SIGs. Activities and events will be scheduled throughout the year.





Blogs, articles, Podcasts, webinars, teleconferences.


SIGS, Workshops, Seminars, Conferences.


  • Karen Scott
  • Evon Davis
  • Jumoke Dada
  • Angela Haskell
  • Christina Warren
  • Anitra


Do you like to write about technology related issues or topics? Take advantage of this opportunity to get your voice out there!


If interested call:



01. Business

Business experts share their knowledge & expertise on works and what doesn't.

02. Telecomm

Informational dialog regarding the tools and resources this industry provides for business .

03. Industry Trends

Stay abreast on what's new, exciting, and on the cutting edge of the tech industry.

04. Education

Information and resources which address various categories of professional growth and development.

05. HealthTech

Exploration of technological advances in the health industry

06. Consulting

Consultants share their knowledge & expertise on works and what doesn't.